Why will Android App Development say farewell to your business?
The modern-day man is on the move with “that” smart device in his pocket. Yes, of course, the smartphone’s influence on our daily activities cannot be denied. And they are called smartphones for one primary reason – for offering a host of applications taking businesses from the physical world of pamphlets and ads to the eye-catching screen with high-speed Internet. About 81 % of mobile users go for products and services online, and among them, about 26% look for apps about the brand to make their purchases easy. Now even if you are able to create an online presence, only a mobile app can leave a great first impression!
But when you get down to the business of “creating a mobile app,” an argument between iOS and Android is almost inevitable. While all the other alternatives seem dead and buried, these two leading players are the possibilities. The fact is that both iOS and Android equally have their good and bad points, but we’ll narrow down today’s discussion to Android app development. In case you wish to leave your iPhone apps behind for Android- do not worry! You are heading to greener pastures. Let’s see how.
1 Android users are Everywhere
If you place Android and iPhone users side by side, you’ll notice that about 74% of people globally use Android smartphones as opposed to the 25% who can pay top dollar for an iPhone. So, developing a business Android app is a straightforward way out to reach a maximum audience or, in other words unlock more opportunities to grow. All these numbers speak for themselves and shout out even louder that “Android is everywhere” and will surely guarantee you a broader customer base.
2 Open-Source
The good news is that the Android platform is open source. It is royalty-free and offers you the liberty to be creative and innovative by being able to modify the source code the way you want. Its open-source advantage makes custom ROMs available in the market. So basically, your reach spans a wider user base for free with the freedom to make further expansions. Isn’t that a great deal to choose Android development?
3 Developer-Friendly Tools & Technologies
Newbie or a seasoned developer? The android platform comes in handy to developers of all kinds, irrespective of their technical expertise. The Software Development Kit (SDK) is a surplus to Android development as it allows for easy downloads and Eclipse. Android Studio, revamped by Google, makes a brilliant platform with its free set of tools and functionalities that enable version control, performance and usability, generate APK files, detailed visual editing guides for beginners, app layout rendering in real-time, and integration with Google Cloud.
4 Low Investment of Time & Money
With enterprise Android apps, your road to the marketplace is tried and tested. It has a low entry barrier compared to iOS, which is quite costly and time-consuming. Very obviously, Android rids you of the licensing fees by being an open-source platform, and at the same time, your apps will get approved to hit the market within two days. Again,
Android apps can be developed from any machine, from Windows to iOS, and even tested on a simple smartphone! Only a one-time fee is sufficient to keep your apps alive and updated on the Google Play Store. Moreover, Google hints at the launch of high-tech devices with Android OS embedded in them, which will take your business to new heights. Therefore, Android application development is synonymous with budget-friendly, fuss-free development, testing, and deployment.
5 Enriching Community Support
There is a well-established community of Android developers to support your innovative ventures. Unlike other platforms, the developing community often works in a collaborative space where app development knowledge, expertise, and skills are shared openly. Google also offers excellent support to those who might turn up with a unique app idea by adding educational resources to its studio. Currently, there are about 300 carriers, both software and hardware partners, to assist your Android development process in the right direction.
6 Social Media Optimization
If you aren’t using social media to promote your brand, then it’s high time you change your approach. And Android enterprise mobile applications incorporate social media capabilities in leaps and bounds, making your voice reach potential customers. Android app content can be easily shared across major social media channels. It’s as easy as linking your app to all the popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. This helps to spread the word and tap new customers who would have otherwise been in the dark.
7 Compatibility
One application without any restrictions on the types of devices it can run! That pretty much sounds rewarding. This compatibility to perform on various devices makes Android stand out from the rest of its competitors. You are free to build your apps on Windows and Mac, making it still an affordable and wiser option to rely on.
8 Graphic Support & Customisable UI
Business Android apps will satisfy your appetite for a wide array of graphic design requirements. It comes with built-in support of superior 2D & 3D graphics driving in more organic traffic. The Android platform is known for its Game Development capacity due to its intuitive and sophisticated graphic designs. The natural benefit of possessing dynamic graphic designs is the dominance of customizable UI’s that keep users glued to their screens.
Android for Work – The Effective BYOD Solution!
As organizations switch to partial work from home or connecting on work travel and commutes, BYOD ( Bring Your Device) solutions have become more convenient in an IT setup. It simply becomes an alternative to carrying two devices – one personal and another company issued- to the workplace. Instead, the employees can connect to their IT networks and access work-related resources through their tablets, phones, or laptops. But doesn’t this mean that it can pose serious security challe Wouldn’t it harm the employees’ privacy and risk potentially exposing the company’s sensitive and confidential data? Well, that’s why you have Android for Work as the savior! It offers a multi-user framework carefully separating personal profiles and workspace on a single unified user interface.
In simple terms, it’s like having dual copies of an app on a single screen. Your apps will remain the same, and work apps will be denoted using a suitcase badge. This Android development for Work technology is powered by a company called “Divide” under Google and promises three significant benefits to its users. First is undoubtedly privacy. A strict line is drawn between the personal and work apps offering employees peace of mind regarding their privacy and companies an assurance that their data is protected. Second is the smooth integration with various mobile management solutions. Third, pushed apps like Office 365, Concur, and so on to add productivity to companies using essential PIM.
Emerging Android App Design Trends: Stay Ahead of the Curve
We have enough evidence to accept that Android application development is a lucrative opportunity for today’s businesses. With a market share of 85%, Android has successfully got the most mileage, with over 2.96 million apps in the Google Play Store. So, if you are looking for your Apps to have a competitive advantage, what’s more, important than epitomizing the present and future Android trends?
Android Jetpack
Android Jetpack proves Google’s attempt to enhance security on all Android devices. It also comes with tools, libraries, software, and guidelines to set up advanced app solutions for users. And fortunately, this Jetpack is being expanded with a new set of tools. For instance, Jetpack Compose to build native and intuitive UI’s and Jetpack Security to store data safely under Shared Preferences. This expansion of Jetpack will prove more useful for mobile development projects.
Android Instant Apps
Instant Apps are those that users need not install. Instead, they automatically launch on devices running on Android 5.0 or newer versions. These apps are gaining popularity due to their ability to trial run quickly with an instant experience before installing the app. They also dramatically reduce unwanted system encroachments and refuse to eat up space on the user’s device. Therefore, Instant apps are a significant trend to eye on if you want greater visibility for your apps and games.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
The Instant App revolution is directly linked to Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) technology. Google recommends AMP for companies to be more discoverable by users, and AMP powers web pages to load faster and perform better, boosting its SEO capabilities. Since Google is planning to emphasize AMP sites, this technology tops the trends to ensure you bring enough traffic to your website.
Kotlin Multiplatform & Coroutines
A new and exciting feature that is said to replace Flutter is the Kotlin multiplatform. Although in an experimental phase, it will be a boon for developers to share code across different platforms – iOS, Linux, Windows, Mac, and other systems. It also facilitates code sharing between client and server. Similarly, Kotlin Coroutines are an excellent way to make asynchronous tasks.
AI and ML Apps
Apps that behave according to the customer’s instincts and desires before they command to do so are the striking qualities of AI and ML-powered apps. Thanks to Android’s whole range of ML tools and methods to implement this revolutionizing technology. Google has further simplified this process by offering guides such as People + AI Guidebook and The Material Design for Machine Learning spec for businesses to get a stronghold of ML & AI tools for app development.
Get the best-of-breed Android Apps from Pattem Digital!
Design, test, and launch your feature-rich Android apps with our extensive list of leading Android developers. Pattem Digital, as an Android App Development company will release user-friendly, highly engaging, and customized apps into today’s market with many opportunities. For dynamic business apps with a profitable ROI, head straight to plan with us!