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Enableing Adobe AEM Solutions For AEM Pharma?

CMS Technologies

AEM Solutions for Pharma Industry

Guess who has been named the best CMS technology for the eighth time in a row! Yes! It’s the globally renowned

content management suite – the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). Although businesses have struggled with figuring out the right CMS for their pressing needs, Adobe Experience Manager has taken the front seat among enterprise users. It is known for its capability to streamline content that appears with each interaction. While all kinds of digital asset management processes like social engagement, user-generated content, and community connection portals are brought under one roof by the AEM, it has a broader capacity to function depending on your needs. Due to this, AEM has seeped into the automobile, banking, communication, and many such sectors. So, why not consider AEM Solutions for AEM Pharma industries too?

Personalized Integration Authentication Platform (PIAP) with AEM to rule the Pharma Industry

While digital waves strike the shores of every industry, healthcare is no exception. It’s even more exciting to see AEM partner with this sector, enable remote consultations, access emergency information, and deliver customized content to physicians and patients. Pharmaceuticals are another cornerstone branch supporting the healthcare industry.

And it has also taken a leap in integrating the AEM solution for better functioning. Although AEM has been rigorously used in the AEM pharma industry, there were several shortcomings in the process. Let’s rewind for a while now. These companies Top AEM CMS solutions today saw huge growth and a subsequent piling up of data which put them under pressure to access the right data from the vast pool. Although the AEM featured smooth-running and professional-looking pages, it fell short in (i) offering a database or an intuitive online portal to store information (ii) both Health Care Professionals (HCP) and AEM users couldn’t sync updates with the CRM app of pharma companies.

So, now AEM CMS solutions for Pharma need to undergo an enhancement to overcome these hurdles. And kudos to the new solution to these long-standing problems. Pharmaceutical companies can now use AEM solutions by integrating the PIAP (Personalised Integration Authentication Platform). It comes with a Salesforce CRM application that allows pharma companies using AEM to authenticate the information of HCP.

You may also call it a database where the AEM users can store and save the HCP’s personal stack of information. The PIAP has significantly reduced the efforts of manual updates on Pharma portals. With an automated solution for tracking, reporting, analysis, email subscriptions, personalization, Contact, and Support, the PIAP integration has enabled the gap between the AEM and the CRM application. Hence, giving a whole new dimension to the pharmaceutical industry.

An Alternative Move: eWizard Platform with AEM for Pharma

If you know what good the eWizard multi-channel content management brings to the localization and transcreation of your content, you wouldn’t deny that if integrated with Adobe Experience Manager, it would look like a match made in heaven. Pharma marketing couldn’t have asked for a better leader and a powerful solution. Before we dive into this combination’s wonders, let’s look at what sparked the integration of eWizard with AEM. What were the needs that led to their birth?

1. Data Quality and Integrity Issues

As a major player in life sciences, the pharmaceutical industry needs to adopt a set of standards to ensure the integrity and quality of its data. It’s their responsibility to ensure they do not Data Quality and Integrity Issuesoverburden themselves with warning letters from the FDA regarding data breaches. If Pharma companies need to win the market, the FDA specifies a certain framework called ALCOA with fundamentals to follow in each part of the product life cycle.

Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneous, Original, and Accurate data is ALCOA. Attributable data is any data generated or collected about a person and the time it was generated by keeping a signature log to identify those involved. Each and every data decoded must be legible- meaning they should be readable, with both human and machine support. The results of the work must be measured and recorded. In other words, contemporaneous means documenting data in real-time to find out when it was last used.

The data must be original in content and meaning and preserved in a database. Coming to the level of accuracy, there is no room for error-prone, incomplete, or false data. Any changes made should be thoroughly annotated or amended. Pharmaceutical brands that fail to maintain these requirements end up with poor documentation and data integrity, leaving their brand reputation tainted and at stake.

2. Pressing needs of Digital Asset Management at various levels

There is no industry with a content lifecycle as complicated as pharma. Several layers coordinate, from asset managing agencies to the medical, legal, and regulatory boards. And the needs of these different levels are also ever-changing. It ranges from a requirement for a unified platform to work, content authoring functionalities powered by tech, metadata, and tagging of assets, sharing content across agencies to meet cost borderlines, permission control, and much more.

With their own stretch of the content lifecycle, all of these above-mentioned demands were met by separate platforms – AEM, Veeva Vault PromoMats, and ewizard. But hang on! What if these systems can be connected into a single whole? That’s when we come back to our title – AEM with eWizard!

A bond that never fails: AEM with eWizard and Veeva Vault PromoMats

Since Veeva Vault PromoMats help publishes, review, and approve content to digital channels, these valuable assets with the new approach can be arranged in a channel-specific template before publishing into the target system. The data available in Veeva will also let you validate the website’s performance in Adobe. Coming to the contribution of eWizard, offers a flexible module where content can make a space in again different types of channel-specific templates. Inside the eWizard it’s possible to insert a message for a website or email in a template. Hence, the final result is a workflow that is smooth, cutting down multiple lines into a single efficient channel

Go Forth and choose Pattem Digital for AEM development!

AEM expertise is not a distant dream anymore for your business looking for innovation. Our AEM development Company The best Adobe experience manager cms development service provider can support you with this feature. Determine the Profitability  Are all the plans profitable? Before you launch a business/unit or your new brand belonging to a specific new website, you can take a lot of market assumptions, studies, and future forecasts, which might not always turn out as expected.

Every company has to keep an extremely close watch on all the brands/websites. This should go on to act as a separate business entity. This would also require you to make the most appropriate decisions. All this will happen if specific things are not going to turn out the right way they were always supposed to.

All of this would require an in-depth analysis of your website’s performance reports belonging to a specific website. Managing Translations While you go on to handle a high degree of translated content, the information received to and fro would be highly cumbersome.

When we can ensure that the best and most suitable content would get updated on the right side of the page, then you would require a lot of effort. A small mistake in terms of website coordination would occur when an unexpected blunder is involved. In addition to all this, the delays you might encounter while uploading or forwarding the content might lead to a bad customer experience, or in the worst case, you may face a loss of leads.

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