WordPress Development: A Journey into the Realm of Digital Creation
Are you sick of having to create a website from scratch using difficult programming languages and handle its management yourself? Consider using WordPress. For millions of users worldwide, WordPress has revolutionized website building as one of the biggest self-hosted blogging systems in the world.
WordPress stands out because of its open-source nature, which makes it available to a variety of users. WordPress supports users of all sizes, whether you’re running an e-commerce website or keeping a home cuisine journal. It has grown to be one of the most used platforms for web designers. Quartz, BBC America, and other well-known international websites have all successfully tapped into the power of WordPress.
If you’re unfamiliar with how to use WordPress, there’s no need to worry. We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive guide on how to use WordPress to create a website. With WordPress’s user-friendly interface and our expert guidance, you’ll be able to navigate the platform effortlessly and build a stunning website that meets your specific needs.
Discovering the Hidden Gems of WordPress’s Astonishing Features
WordPress multisite:
You can segregate your WordPress website into different sections with various styles. One of your employees can be a super admin managing the website. They can have complete access to the webpage.
Turn it into a social platform:
With WordPress, you can actually reach a more targeted audience. How? It is through building a social media platform through BuddyPress. This platform allows you to create profiles and post more messages, just like you do on Facebook. With 330 Buddypress plugins, customization is going to happen faster. The free download would also be available in English, Español, Français, Português do Brasil, Русский. This way, you can transform your WordPress website into Social media platform.
Images and galleries:
How about adding more personalized images, videos and music with your WordPress platform? You do not need to embed it from the start. You can add those files at a click. This is not going to take up much time.
Explore the Unparalleled Website Development Solutions of WordPress
Compared to other platforms, WordPress comes up with a series of advantages. Are you aware of why to create a wordpress website for beginners, bloggers, photographers, business professionals and tech giants willing to take their business to greater heights? Why not other platforms? Some of the benefits of using WordPress are worth mentioning to anyone:
There is a better support community:
With WordPress, you are going to leverage the real-time support of a wide network. These professionals can guide you on the recent trends and popular culture in the array of WordPress platforms. They can answer if you have any queries, help you with the entire WordPress setup and get you up and running.
You can build your network and get support across the globe with these professionals by your side. By building a huge network, you have the advantage of information gathering. With the information you get, you are going to excel in every aspect of website design and development. This is going to prove highly beneficial to your team. Remember, the right community equals a high success rate.
WordPress is not going to cost you a fortune since it is cheaper and better compared to any other platforms. With WordPress, you get to build solutions at your fingertips without spending much bucks. Even if you are a small business owner or a social media influencer, you can get the best community support through WordPress without needing to spend much. This way, you can build your network as well. WordPress is the right platform to leverage community support and build the best ever website.
WordPress is inexpensive:
With WordPress, you need not empty your pockets to create your website. The maintenance and upgrade expenses are quite low in comparison to hiring a designer and updating the website content. You don’t need to pay more than you can afford. Your WordPress website development solutions would do miracles for your SEO and website visitors at a comparatively lower cost. You just need to have a grip on the basics of the internet to know how to use wordpress.
Search Engine Optimization made ready:
WordPress is extremely cordial with SEO. WordPress websites are quite simple, user-friendly and with constant codes, they are the best choice for Google indexing. We can customize the SEO components meant for each page. This would help you rank higher in every search engine. Your SEO campaigns can be on the basis of high converting pages.
Website Update, Anywhere, Anytime:
If you are going to develop your WordPress Theme Website, you don’t need to sit with a mug of coffee in your cubicle with a stern look and write tons of code. You can make website changes sitting at mountains or terrains, with the exception of internet access. You don’t need to be a coding geek to upscale your WordPress website.
A cook at Sahara desert or an owner of a Cambodian music band can update their website without much struggle at any time. They just need to know the basics on how to use wordpress. By knowing this, they are soon going to captivate a large scale audience. The themes would make their website more attractive and user-friendly. It is more about plug-and-play in WordPress.
You need not update your website sitting at your posh office or cubicle. You just can sit at any place and update your website at the comfort of your home. This is one of the major advantages involving WordPress. It would not take much of your time. You would get to enjoy everything at your own pace. You don’t need a large setup to manage everything. There are startup owners and freelancers who do it regularly without any fuss.
More responsive website designs:
A highly responsive website design is essential as mobile traffic continues to outpace desktop traffic. You may take advantage of responsive website technology with a custom WordPress website design without having to create several websites for various devices. Additionally, you may gain from user evaluations of different WordPress themes, which will help you make educated choices and save you a lot of time and work. Why then wait? Optimize your website for responsiveness with a customized WordPress design and cater to the needs of your mobile audience effectively.
More convenient syndication options:
There are quite efficient ways through which you can earn more inbound links to your website. Each time you end up posting a new blog, you can automatically reach the RSS feed. This would make it easy for people to syndicate your content across different directories and every other website.
Quite useful for Aggressive Content Marketing features:
When fresh content is all you need, your WordPress theme can help you produce them with no hustle-bustle. It would hardly take a few seconds to update your website design. This is what makes it ideal to tackle more campaigns. When you keep updating more content, you are going to build your website credibility.
Better access to Social Media Integration:
By integrating your WordPress account to your social media platform, you are paving the way for seamless integration across various channels. There is no need for logging into your LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter accounts. You can automatically bring in your social network and let them know that you have fresh content on board.
Upgrade your Website capabilities more quickly:
Add new functionalities and features to your mundane website without much fluff. To support your WordPress functions, there are different plugins which you can install within three steps. This does not consume more time. If you are looking for new features, there might already be WordPress users who are leveraging it. You can get them easily in the form of documentation.
More secured options:
Once upon a time, developers and users feared WordPress due to its poor security features. Now, this is just a myth. When you have better website designers and developers, you can simplify your website’s security. This would safeguard your website from hackers.
You cannot accomplish the same for traditional websites. With WordPress, security is the last thing that you may need to worry about. Security is all about safeguarding your information and sharing it only with the authorized individuals. A secured platform would be invalid if it can be hijacked by hackers. With WordPress, you can always remain confident that your data is in the right hands. It acts as the harbinger between you and your data.
When anybody can work with a WordPress account, with the aid of this open-source, universal platform, you can make this platform applicable for all the designers. Eventhough this is one of the primary reasons to shift to the WordPress website, you need to be careful about that. If you are going to work on WordPress, you need not depend on a single designer or agency. You can rope in a new bunch of creative minds when you feel the need.
Craft a Stunning Website in Less Than an Hour with the Power of WordPress
It takes approximately 45 minutes to create your own WordPress website. It isn’t really much of your time, considering the long hours you spend on building your own website from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We have given this elaborate blog to let you understand more on how to use wordpress platforms.
Embarking on Your WordPress Odyssey
When you visit wordpress.com or wordpress.org for the first time, you will come across a set of instructions to create that unique website and how to proceed further. It is quite sufficient if you follow the instructions properly. They are simple, easy-to-follow instructions anybody can keep an eye on. This would lead you to create a free WordPress website. That’s just the start!
When you are starting with the basic version, you need not focus much on your monetary issues. In fact, you would be spending $0 to create that! But the basic version would not allow you to connect with Google analytics and take stride on your SEO abilities. Creating a WordPress website with a premium plan is not going to cost you much. For a business version, the maximum would be $25 per month.
WordPress comes up with 4 different plans:
- For personal use like blogging and personal branding
- For freelance professionals
- For Businesses
- For eCommerce websites.
For personal use:
If you know very well on how to use wordpress and are going to use this amazing platform for your personal use, then it is much preferred to start with the premium version. When you are at your freelancing phase, you need to attract the attention of your clients. It is inevitable to have a better website at such a crucial point of time. WordPress is for anybody who wants to leverage its functionality for home-based projects. The premium version is also not that expensive.
The personal plan, through which you can build your WordPress website for your individual blogs can benefit only a set of audience. This is the best option if you are going to build your personal brand. These plans are not suitable if you are a small business owner. It is the best option if you are depending on your blogging website for making money. Have you got to host the personal website of your CEO? WordPress would go well! It could be your simple project or a home catering service business, you need to have a stunning website. WordPress would stand you throughout you build your dream website. It is the best platform you can ever wish for.
For professional use:
There is a separate plan meant for businesses. WordPress offers you with the right choice of platform even when you own an eCommerce website. By taking care of the WordPress platform, it would become crucial for any business person to implement the right strategies. Using a professional version of the WordPress platform would do wonders to your website. It would take the entire look and feel of your website to the next level. You need not wait ahead to build your dream website longer. You just have to fous on making the best out of the existing features. That would allow you to provide more prominent features to your WordPress website.
Creating a WordPress website is not going to consume more time. It is as simple as pie. It is not at all complex to run your own WordPress website with these professional plans. There are many features, plans and support available for the same. To build the best WordPress website, you need the right team support and coordination. That can happen only when you hire the best WordPress development team. That would let you move on to the next stages of your website journey. You can choose from any of these plans: All you need to do is to follow the steps we have mentioned below on how to create a wordpress website for beginners.
Simple Steps to Dive into the Realm of WordPress Development
Step 1:
Get a domain name. This name would appear on google.com. You can purchase the domain name from platforms like Big rock or GoDaddy. You would also get insane discounts from these platforms. That’s the first step to create a wordpress website for beginners.
Step 2:
Host your website on the WordPress domain. This is where you store your website files. To put Web hosting in a nutshell, it is a service that would allow organizations and individual contributors to post a web page or website on the internet. You can contact these web hosts to assist you on this aspect. Your development team can also take care of this aspect.
Step 3:
In case of WordPress development, you can setup your WordPress platform with the simple-to-follow steps. With a self-hosted WordPress.org site, you are going to come across different templates, addons and designs. Nowadays, many are in preference of the wordpress.org platform compared to wordpress.com. This is due to security purposes and a lot of other benefits.
Step 4:
Install WordPress for your website. You can find a number of hosting account dashboards. You never have to use 95% of the features. You need to use the WordPress icon when you scroll down to the website section in cPanel.
Now you have to enter the name of your website, password, admin username and website. You can easily change them in your WordPress settings. You have to check and tick every checkbox present on the screen. Then all you need to do is to give the ‘Install’ button.
With Quick install, you can now install WordPress to your website. In some time, you can install a few website templates using WordPress. No more wondering on how to use wordpress to create a website while installation is going on. It’s 95% done!
Once you are done with the installation, you will get a notification. WIth the ‘Installation Complete’ link, you can visit your WordPress login URL with the password.
That’s it! Your WordPress website is done! Learning how to use wordpress to create a website isn’t that difficult after all!
Effortlessly Choosing the Perfect WordPress Theme
Your WordPress appearance is controlled by your WordPress theme. With professional design and template, you can easily install these templates on your website and change the appearance. There are an awful lot of free and paid WordPress themes that you can run on your website. You can change your WordPress theme with the help of the WordPress admin dashboard. To customize the WordPress theme, you need to choose Appearance >> Themes page.
WordPress is going to show you the theme in your search results. You are going to take your mouse over to the WordPress theme. After that, you can click on the Install button.
After installing the theme, you can customize the theme when you click on the Customize link under your Appearance menu.
This would help you to launch your theme customizer. You can then change the theme settings with the help of your website live preview.
You never have to finalize every theme setting at a time. When you have some website content, you can update some website content.
Simple, one line method on how your WordPress website
WordPress would come with two default types of content. They are known as pages and posts.
What is the difference between posts and pages?
Posts are the blog parts. They are going to appear in reverse-chronological order. Pages would be static “one-off” type of content. Some of the examples are contact page and privacy policy.
WordPress would show your blog posts on your website front.
How do you create a page on WordPress?
You can also create a separate page as a WordPress blog.
By heading to Pages >> Add New, you can reach the page editor screen.
First, you should provide the page title, called “Home”. Then you can add the content present in the text editor. These can be texts, images, links, audio, video and so on.
Once you add the content, you can hit the Publish button.
How do you create a post on WordPress?
Move on to Posts » Add New across your WordPress admin area. Now, your website is updated and live!
You would be able to add more content and post title using the visual post editor.
You can find post categories and more such tags. Once you click on the save button, you can store the draft. Then you can click on the publish button to increase your site visibility.
Handling Customization and Website Tweaks
Since you have created your website content, you can now customize and put the website in a presentable manner. Then you can set up a static front page for your website.
To do this, you have to go to Settings >> Reading page in your WordPress admin section. Under your ‘Front page displays’, you can click on the static front page. Then you have to click on ‘pages’ to check the pages you created earlier.
After completing these procedures, you can click on the ‘Save Changes’ button present at the bottom of your page. This would help you to store whatever change you have made so far.
Same way, to change your website’s title and tagline, you can visit Settings >> General page.
Using Settings >> Discussions, you can customize your comments section.
Using Appearance >> Menus section, you can easily customize your navigation menu.
With this option, your users can browse through different web pages and sections present on your website.
You can also display your location using your WordPress website.
Install more plugins
WordPress comes up with a lot of plugins to take advantage of. Some of them are quite famous among the masses. By adding these plugins, you are going to pave more way for user satisfaction. This will take your brand integrity to a whole new level. WordPress plugins are similar to apps meant for WordPress websites. With WordPress plugins, you can add more features to your WordPress website.
It can be your testimonials page or blog, you can create anything within a few hours. To download more plugins to your system, you can visit the official WordPress website or any other third-party WordPress theme providers. Make sure to download the plugin to your computer. After that, you can log in to your WP admin area by choosing Plugins > Add New.
While you are installing plugins, make sure that the plugin is suitable for you. If not, it is always better to reconsider it with any other plugins. Do you want more advice on WordPress plugins? You can always feel free to ask the experts who are a part of your team. If not, you can shoot a question to any WordPress development company. They would be glad to answer you immediately.
Decoding the WordPress Enigma: Mastering with Ease and Grace
It isn’t a very hard thing to master WordPress if you are quite used to the internet. All you have to do is to follow the official WordPress blogs, tutorials and other resources. You might require expert guidance to direct you on which practices would suit you best. Make sure to discuss it with a team of well to do professionals who can let you understand the fundamentals and core functionalities of WordPress.
Why, when and how to choose WordPress for your business?
Before you move forward to any platform, you should be familiar with the answers to why, when and how. This would allow you to stay aware of the necessary features and facts you need to know. Let’s get deeper into that now!
Why WordPress?
For long term benefits and approaches, WordPress is the best choice. Among other platforms like Wix and Drupal, WordPress is more popular (Though Wix and Drupal have their own fan base for certain reasons). When we consider the 172 million active websites, it is noteworthy that around 75,000,000 are running on the WordPress platform. That’s a huge number!
Many top websites in the world are using WordPress confidently. They are utilizing WordPress in real-time. What’s the reason behind their confidence? Let’s explore deeper.
Real-time use cases on WordPress websites
Quartz and BBC America are popular news organizations. They have to update a mammoth data and content on a daily basis. WordPress has served as the right platform to help them accomplish this task!
How is Quartz using WordPress?
Quartz launched in WordPress VIP Cloud Hosting platform in September 2012. They were of the idea of not using customized CMS. Hence they opted for WordPress. They got a pretty good response for their new website. The design was focused on accessing and sharing the content on the website across any device. Atlanta Media Company has found mammoth success in their space of digital properties that were never behind the paywall. This helped them to hone the website look and feel.
Josh Kadis, Web Applications Technologist at Quartz notes that “By working with WordPress.com VIP, it helps us in the long run by having a smaller and more nimble team.” Thus WordPress has proven to be the best platform for their purpose.
BBC America’s Flourishing Symphony
BBC America was able to create customized content by using WordPress interface instead of custom HTML coding. They were able to streamline over 80% of their work. This was occupying more time for their team of 4 editors. Now, their editors were able to give more attention to content creation rather than trying to figure out how they are going to edit or troubleshoot their code. This helped them on standardizing their user experience. They got the same editing options and user-friendly interface by shifting on to WordPress.
The Perfect Moment: When to Commence Your WordPress Adventure
If your website is static or when your business is just in the startup phase, you might not be giving much thought towards WordPress. When you are dealing with dynamic websites, you have got to focus more on handling content and data that keeps fluctuating and oscillating. In such times, you need a robust and scalable platform. WordPress would act as your saviour then! From a 2 pages website you would have created for your college seminar to the giant-sized eCommerce website you are going to create, WordPress can accommodate any websites with its elegance and sleekness.
WordPress: The Irresistible Choice for Savvy Business People
The main reason why people use WordPress is its adherence to quality. Nobody wants a clunky website with an old-fashioned design. That would impact the brand value too. WordPress offers you with multiple themes (With well-known themes like Theme Forest) that would add professional value to your business. You can pick up any theme and customize it as per your choice of content. You don’t need to be a coding superstar or a design maverick to create that enthralling website experience.
Creating a WordPress website is indeed a breeze! When every business can make the maximum out of WordPress, they should know which feature would suit them the most. With WordPress development, you are going to Fastrack all your WordPress requirements like never before. It would just be a matter of time when your business would have got accustomed to the WordPress environment. You need not struggle much when you are dealing with WordPress development since many of the features would be covered over here. You just have to ensure that the overall functioning takes place properly and you are able to get things done swiftly using WordPress. That’s the primary advantage of this amazing CMS platform.
Nurturing the Right Partnership: How to Select the Ideal WordPress Developer
WordPress developers are available across the world. Creating the WordPress website is simple. Maintaining it requires more time and patience. You might need to add more features to your WordPress website. That’s when your developer enters the picture. You can find your ideal WordPress developer in freelance platforms like Freelancer and Upwork. Your HR team can hire the best talents in the industry. But you need to be capable of building long term relationships with them. That could become a roadblock if your developer is not available on time.
Your team might not hold the right resources to develop that stunning WordPress website. You would require external support while building it. To compensate for your needs and requirements, you can go for outsourced product development companies.
Expanding the Horizons of WordPress Development
The opportunities are endless! Should you consider WordPress seriously, thou shalt fear the stiff competition or SEO ranking! With consistent posting and optimized SEO, you are going to set your website soaring high in its ranking! If you are an eCommerce website, you should check out more on WooCommerce, the ecommerce extension of WordPress. This is one of the most used content management systems. It is known to fuel 25% of all the websites worldwide. There are multitudes of such platforms that go hand in hand with WordPress. You can use them to build better websites that would stand strong in your audience’s mind.
WordPress has a huge scope in every domain. Let it be healthcare, aviation, food or entertainment, WordPress is sending a magical wave across every sector! It is time to make use of this simple platform to its best potential. That is going to help you immensely in the long run of your business.
Uniting the Power of WordPress Development with Pattem Digital’s Expertise
When it comes to WordPress development, Pattem Digital is your trusted partner. With our expertise as a leading WordPress development company, we understand the importance of responsive website design and the need to provide seamless user experiences across various devices. By leveraging the power of WordPress and our team’s proficiency, we can create customized solutions that meet your specific requirements. From building your website to providing ongoing maintenance and support, we ensure that your WordPress project is in capable hands. Experience the synergy of WordPress development and Pattem Digital’s expertise for unparalleled results.
Let us know more about your requirements. We are here to support you throughout your journey! With Pattem Digital by your side, you need not worry about your WordPress site. We are here to maintain it for you. Let us know what your requirements are. We are here to set it straight and build a website that you can always remain proud of! It isn’t that cumbersome to reach out to our team. All you need to do is click on the contact us section. No need to wait! Our team would get back to you at lightning speed!
It would notify us that you are here! That would delight us! We would spend some quality time with you to understand more about your requirements and how we can intervene in creating the best, tailor-made solution for you. When you are at our doorstep, you need not look back. We can take care of all your requirements from documentation to maintenance. All you need to do is to trust us completely!
We are a team of award-winning professionals who have set out to build the best wordpress websites. We are currently working with Fortune 500 clients and some of the most disruptive startups in the industry. We would soon be opening our branches at Bay area and European countries. Let us know more about your requirements. We are here to support you throughout your journey!