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Best practices for Enterprise App Development

Mobile applications

Why should enterprise app development rely upon the best industry practices?

The demand that enterprise apps provide you with is growing at a considerable rate. Many business professionals believe that when you implement enterprise apps, it can make your business more successful and prosperous. There is a survey in the USA stating that over 79% of companies have credited the success of their organization to different mobile enterprise solutions. There is a survey report stating that nearly 23% of apps have increased productivity.

30% of the apps have improved business processes, and nearly 20% of them would require more competitive advantage. Enterprise mobile app development has changed the way traditional processes have been carried on. Even though your software is going to make your enterprise really productive, you are going to face a number of challenges when you need to take care of the development processes. Let’s talk about the challenges you would face during your development process and the best ways to overcome it.

Challenges of Enterprises application development

Modify your business requirements

Your business can go through a number of changes in different dynamic business environments. The main challenge faced by the development team is to adapt and deliver the best enterprise mobile app solution in the best atmosphere.

Handle Big Data processes

Your enterprise would consist of mammoth data. It is not easy to manage your Big Data in an efficient manner with mobile apps. This is also constrained to a particular size. Best practices for enterprise app developmentEnterprises should make the best use out of the techniques, tools and technologies to ensure that your data is more safe and secured. How do you manage your Big Data processes for your enterprise? You need to remember the three V’s: Volume, where every organization is collecting data from a number of sources, such as your business transaction, industrial equipment, smart (IoT) devices and much more.

When you can enable cheaper storage on various platforms such as Hadoop and data lakes, you can simplify your tasks. Velocity is the next point you need to focus on since the Internet of Things is growing, data has been streaming into our business at an unexpected speed. You should be handling it in a more professional manner. Sensors, RFID tags as well as smart meters would help your data to sustain in real-time. Variety is the other factor where your data is going to be available in a number of formats. It can be more structured, numeric with traditional databases dominating the unstructured emails, text documents, stock ticker data, videos, audios as well as financial transactions.

Get rid of bad user experience

Your enterprise app can allow you to take in charge of your enterprise solutions on a day to day basis. There is a research report stating that nearly 21% of users are going to abandon your app after their first time of usage.

The user experience would play an extremely important role in managing your enterprise app development. While creating your mobile app solutions, you should ensure that it is user-friendly and intuitive. The app is going to be extremely valuable. You should develop an app with which you can take advantage of the existing processes. It should add value to every user.


Enterprise application security is of top priority nowadays. Enterprises have started relying on software for the purpose of delivering competitiveness and innovation. Security for enterprise appsThe majority of the applications do not pay heed to security concerns. This is the reason why they become a target for hackers. Enterprise application development has become a challenge for every enterprise. By adding a number of best practices in web application security testing, you are going to build a better software development lifecycle. With the current mobile app development trends, you are not going to face any security issues.

Every enterprise has to focus on its security and vigilance while dealing with their systems with threats and cyber-attacks. Enterprises leverage different mobile devices when they want to access more explicit apps. With certificate underpinning, SSL encryption, active authentication, and data encryption processes, you can handle your approach towards MDS or MMS solutions. The biggest challenge in any mobile app development process is preventing any data breaches and protecting your sensitive data. About 75% of smartphones used by companies are based on bringing your own device (BYOD). While enterprises want to implement their internal apps into their mobile strategies, it is advisable to provide a mobile device to their employees.

Mobile Resources & Expertise

While dealing with Mobile expertise and resources, you need to be aware of the relatively new concepts in the market. Since all the enterprise mobile app development processes is well know, you also need to know that the scope it is going to pose for the market. When companies are going to deploy apps that would not provide any solutions for business troubles, they lose their respect. It is extremely important that they involve all the important design processes.

Choose the right API strategy

When you want to develop a solution for your enterprise application development pursuits, it is extremely vital that you create a proper enterprise app solution when you want to enable a number of features belonging to the solution. Every business should never fail to take an in-depth look at their APIs. When you develop any new APIs, you should ensure that they are properly fit. You need to consult directly with any business analyst.

Best practices for app development

Define your app size

When you define your app size and scale, you need to plan all the resources and efforts which you will be investing when you want to complete your project. When you are developing any mobile enterprise apps, you should reduce your additional workload when you should deliver a more lightweight and streamlined app solution to focus on basic functions without any interruption.

Offer more powerful content

You should design and handle your enterprise app with the requirement to manage all your identical solutions that prompt app development. Your app should be extremely simple when you Enterprise application security want to resolve any specified problems with no distraction. With a clean and crisp mobile app, you are going to get an extremely focused development environment where any user can concentrate on their core functionalities and content without sidetracking on a number of features. Building content that your customer loves should be your huge priority.

Content is the king in every enterprise app. You should prioritize over offering proper content for your audience rather than focusing on the other stuff. With the best content, you are going to let your audience know what your business is all about. Your app should be innovative and it should induce your customers to take action. Your app content should be up-to-the-point and according to the current trends. When your content is powerful, it is going to let people believe in your brand credibility. Right from the tagline to alignment, you should keep all the golden rules of UX design in your mind. Make sure that you prioritize content, rather than just being content with mediocrity.

Develop and provide comprehensive training

Each and every organization is entirely different. You need to focus on the different knowledge and skills to thrive with your technical skill set. Not every employee is knowledgeable. This is the main reason why you need to develop a proper comprehensive training program for all your employees.

Fulfill your enterprise application development needs with Pattem Digital!

Pattem Digital is the leading mobile app development company to provide you with a robust business solution. When we are by your side, you need not worry about anything like documentation or maintenance. Let us know what your requirements are. We are here to provide the best solution for you.

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