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AI And Big Data- Biggest Foes Of Coronavirus

Artificial Intelligence

Assessing the Potential of New Technologies to Reduce the Current Pandemic

Corona has affected each and every sector, rich and poor alike. It has been affecting our normal life like never before. No other pandemic or epidemic has caused such a stir as Corona did. The word “Corona” has now got everyone by fear. People are now curbed by the fear of this pandemic effect. Can technology like ai and big data act as the savior to contain the outspread of the virus?

With technology playing a crucial role in every aspect of our life, it is time we start taking what technology can offer us more seriously. In the recent past, we would have seen how many emerging technologies have played a great role in improving the life of people. With the advancement of digital tools like telehealth, data analytics, and remote patient monitoring has caught up with the latest trends.

How is Big Data playing a mighty, hefty and bigger role in containing the pandemic?

The future of artificial intelligence lies in the hands of Data. Big Data plays the role of the predecessor in leveraging the raw data to a business’s advantage. Big Data has been playing a vital role in improvising the situation where people have struggled to establish the counterpart of the pandemic. With Big Data, people can build effective solutions whereBy analyzing news reports, Big Data can predict any pandemic or mishaps in the future. Let Pattem Digital explore the future of artificial intelligence. they can understand the spreading of corona in different parts of the world. Do you ask how? With the aid of travel histories and other documents, they can understand how, where and when the virus was spreading. Big Data challenges are many.

It might not be possible to implement it across smaller nations. But countries like the US, UK and China are significantly making use of it. They would be able to identify the areas where medical professionals need to focus on. An article in Forbes states that by analyzing the news reports, government documents and social media platforms, we can understand the immediate impact of Big Data on the society.

This is nothing new. Bluedot’s AI has warned the people that a pandemic is fast approaching before a while. It could be a microorganism but a virus has an impact to spread like a wildfire. Hence it is essential to contain them as soon as possible. Big Data can play a quintessential role in letting this miracle happen.

Unveiling the Role of Emerging Technologies in Addressing the Current Pandemic

The future of Artificial Intelligence is beyond our imagination. Kuldeep Singh Rajput, CEO of Biofourmis, a medical specialist from Boston in digital therapeutics, has informed Healthcare IT NewsWe need Artificial Intelligence applications through which we can eradicate pandemic like Coronavirus in the future. Let Pattem Digital explain it in depth. regarding the clinical-grade wearables that are now available to monitor patients with the aid of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 people under quarantine. The Artificial Intelligence applications can be either at a healthcare setting or your home. When you are going to fight against a huge pandemic, you should remember that building a solution that would cater to the masses is of huge importance.

AI and big data analytics is known to play a big role in modern genome sequencing methodologies. When we use high-resolution computer-generated simulation, it is going to allow every scientist to interpret and study complicated disease-oriented data sets where they can learn how it is going to spread. Even though Big data challenges are more, businesses predict that it can be overcome sooner or later.

This would benefit the communities directly since everyone would be updated with the information on what is happening with Big Data and AI and how they can support reducing the effort of a pandemic. With statistics, we were able to identify how Coronavirus has escalated from 100 cases on January 19 to 700.000 cases on March 29 (Source: BNO Newsroom).

When Artificial Intelligence applications abound, we can see a surge in how people are making use of it. AI has provided everyone the right means to handle their data and ensure that the findings are going to upsurge the public health. Dr. Eric Horvitz, chief scientific officer at Microsoft, has said that every company, scientist, government and workers have to bring the latest technologies such as AI, biomedicine, epidemiology and other scientific features into practice. With artificial intelligence being applied in covid 19 literature challenge and resource, you can accelerate the pathway to various solutions regarding COVID-19.

How did China leverage AI and Big Data to contain the Coronavirus?

There are a number of new Chinese tech firms that have tailor-fitted new apps to guide people while checking if they have traveled through the same train or flight similar to the confirmed virus patients. They have been scraping all the data that the state media team published. Do you know that there were robots summoned at a particular public plaza in Guangzhou where it would scold a number of passersby who do not wear any masks? Well, it suits them!

Beijing times reported that a neighborhood community has allocated an apartment complex with 2,400 households where they were using train and flight data to keep track of the people who traveled recently.

There are Chinese authorities who use thermometers when they are at the comfort of their home and office. Since they cannot use these methods now while they are traveling, they are using AI and infrared cameras to detect fever.

As for the usage of Big Data, Chinese authorities have started collecting the details of people such as their name, age group and house address and leveraging this data to ensure that they keep track of the suspects and the infected people.

Now China is out of the league of Corona infected countries. Normal life has resumed over there with people resuming their regular life. They are now on the track of going back to where they were 6 months ago, thanks to the friendly aid of technologies such as AI and Big Data. We know that Artificial Intelligence applications are in huge numbers. It’s time we start leveraging them.

Uniting Technology and Human Ingenuity to Combat the Coronavirus

With so much data at our disposal, we can put it to use and discover the best strategies for combating the coronavirus. The use of Aritificial Intelliegence Services and Big Data technologies has not yet increased. Big Data presents a number of problems, but once correctly integrated, we can observe the entire impact.

We have observed how different technologies have so far benefited humanity. More than anything else, it’s imperative that individuals handle everything well. They must consider society as a whole and take precautions like social isolation.

This will also pass. Remain at home! Maintain hygienic practices, such as routine hand washing. Let’s fight Corona and save the world with our artificial intelligence services!

We, at Pattem Digital, would love to support you when you want to work on technologies depicting the future of applications of big data analytics in the Covid-19 that would impact mankind altogether. Let’s connect if you have any brilliant product ideas in mind!

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