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Golang Development: Powering High-Performance Applications

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A Concerto of Ease and Reliability: Why GoLang Development Reigns as Developers’ Language of Choice

Choosing a coding language is not really about choosing one among the varieties out there, but about flushing out the ones that do not fit your needs. Spoiled for choice? Not really, just that the choice for the backend is so impressive and slightly misleading. Keeping aside the common biases, you have a list of factors to consider before you finally pick one. The GoLang language needs to be robust, speedy, secure, simple and maintainable. And if it fits your project’s needs despite its complexity, what more could you ask for? So, today we’ll spill the beans about a programming language by the world’s tech-giant Google! Here go the salient facts and features of topnotch GoLang development.

Track Record of GoLang Programming Language

The core idea behind the Go language was pulled off in 2007 as an experimental project at Google. The company had to overcome the lagging and clumsy process of software development and replace confusing programming languages like C++ and Java with a better alternative.

At the same time, the language shouldn’t compromise on its efficiency and ease in handling Google’s sophisticated systems. Enter GoLang two years later in 2009 as an open-sourced project! Its simplicity and performance cleared the air of discomfort that Google faced for a long time.  It emerged as a free, robust, and agile language suitable for large-scale network servers with strong dependency management. The company themselves praised it to the skies for bringing the speed of Python and the safety of languages like C and C++ to a single table. Go stood for good software development practices and attracted both beginners and seasoned development experts to grow self-sufficient.

As a strong typed general-purpose programming language, Go has come a long way beating powerful rivals which could have otherwise pushed it to nothingness. And for that matter, in 2015 GoLang 1.5 was released which is considered to be one of the major releases where the C compiler was completely converted to Go. After this, the community is now focusing on the practical improvements of the language.

Year after year GoLang became more universal just as beloved it became to Google. Until recently in 2017, Go has titled the 9th fastest growing programming language as per the StackOverflow survey. Several such honors have made it to Go throughout its journey which more or fewer points to the love towards its capabilities.

Go vs Other Languages

Sometimes a challenge may seem like a benefit. Now does that sound contradictory? Well, Go does exactly this to its developers. The writing of code almost seems endless in comparison to other languages. But what if the long-running lines of code resemble English prose that can be easily navigated? You surely wouldn’t benefit this way from other languages where you spend a lot of time figuring out their intricacies. It’s as simple as that with Go which was designed in the first place to make life easier for the “working programmer”. Even if given the benefit of doubt, developers would pick the Go programming language as their first choice over others. Here are some more convincing reasons!

Easy Learning Curve

First of all, the ease of learning is an important add-on that programming languages can give the developers in terms of the “time cost” that they need to spend. In fact, GoLang pushed itself up the competitive ladder of programming languages with its ease of learning. It did not come up with a new challenge that developers had to solve so that they could go ahead.

All you need is a thorough understanding of algorithms and basic programming logic to get a complete grasp of GoLang in one sitting of a few hours! This is almost unimaginable with other languages like C++, C#, or Java. Also, it gives you the benefit of detecting errors at the early stage of development. Thanks to GoLang’s feature of static typing and compiling!


Go has a rare quality of not trying to imitate other languages. It is different with distinct features. While simplicity has been a hallmark of many other languages, GoLang goes a step further by implementing simplicity through sophistication.

  • GoLang does not have a runtime library. Thereby reducing the time in rechecking and committing mistakes. It has a single executable code that is copied and deployed to use.
  • It also doesn’t have a dynamic library. This was deliberately removed in order to reduce the complexity of using the language. But GoLang also gives the liberty to install dynamic libraries as an extended capability if needed.
  • The elimination of templates also made topnotch GoLang development much more straightforward.

But it’s also crucial to note that some features that claim simplicity comes with a complicated twist. For instance, the feature of garbage collection may take developers astray. But once done, it translates into a simple activity worth all the effort.


Programming languages that are concurrent are a need of the hour. It is nothing but the capability of smaller components of a huge program to run at the same time. Which means a simultaneous action of facilitating database connections, and guarding the queues and caches. Sophisticated systems that keep growing and adding cores will not be able to survive in the absence of concurrency and that’s where Golang marks its special presence. If GoLang for that matter does not follow object-oriented syntaxes, then how will it create multiple threads of execution? Amidst a host of other languages, Golang stands out with rich concurrency using goroutines and channels.

A goroutine is a function that can run concurrently with other functions through the channel that lets two goroutines seamlessly communicate to synchronize in execution. Simply put a “go” keyword is used to create these goroutines when they are placed before a function. With GoLang development, Gone are those days when your system sloths to compile and execute programs. However, this feature of Go was quite obvious because it was launched at a time when multi-core processors marked the market standard. So there’s no wonder that concurrency took the front seat in GoLang architecture.

GoLang: Standalone Benefits to Cherish

Since we’ve looked at some Golang benefits that outperform other major players, let’s get some more insights on GoLang development and its standalone advantages. Clubbing these benefits with the previous paragraphs will settle your chaos of choosing Go as a stable and suitable language to rely on for your app idea.

Smart Documentation

Developers always want the documentation process to be taken seriously. And they highly prefer this process to blend with the code to cut down their efforts at accessing and maintaining the software. GoLang development readily offers this advantage through GoDocs. With GoDocs the documentation process is tightly coupled with the code by parsing Go source code to release documentation as HTML or plain text. This comes as a blessing to developers who no longer have to run through the frantic task of using JavaDoc, PHPDoc, and JSDoc of other languages. Moreover, GoDoc is also known for its minimalism and ease of use.

Single Binary and No Web Frameworks

As you already know GoLang is a compiled language. That said, depending on your Operating system, all the libraries, modules, and dependencies are gathered into a single binary. Similarly, it has a wide range of toolsets under its hood that asking for support from a third-party library or framework is almost out of question.

Google’s Child

Are technologies backed by tech giants bound to fail? No, they are to soar as future-proof with constant financing and updates. With GoLang, this cannot be more true. Golang has remained truthful to Google’s aim of simplifying the web development process and there’s no doubt that it will continue to do so. With plenty of support from Google and its engineers, GoLang shows no signs to cease its journey.

Equal Performance on Older Devices

The app market is one big dynamic community. GoLang architecture was created with this in mind and rightfully covers a wide spectrum of sophisticated web services. The files in Go are way smaller than in other programming languages allowing for quick loading. Therefore, GoLang apps can also become a true partner for those using older devices.

How American Express arrived at GoLang?

This New York-headquartered financial and travel corporation, American Express, started using GoLang in 2016. In order to carry out its banking operations and travel services easily as pie, the company was hunting down a programming language that was reliable and performant. They also preferred one that is modern and befitting to suit trendy design patterns. Now, as we discussed above, choosing a programming language is a daunting task and American Express was up to putting each one under a battle test calling it a “Language Showdown”.

In this process, the same app was written in all the possible languages and benchmarked based on performance. Each of them was evaluated based on four parameters (i) compatibility with high-performance platforms (ii)open-sourced, library, and community support (iii)allowed network programming (iv) creating backend REST/gRPC API. The languages that made it to the final round of selection were Java, C++17, Node.js, and Go.

Except for Go, the other three were already used by the company. GoLang was also adopted into popular development by American Express soon sensing that it could achieve 140,000 requests per second without any warm-up time. To date, it comes as no surprise that American Express has grown fond of the GoLang programming language for its best practices like simplicity and concurrency.

Amplify your GoLang development with Pattem Digital’s Expertise

If you are looking for a product development company to earn you the tag of a successful GoLang development web app, then you are absolutely at the right place. Pattem Digital unarguably stands to make readable, fast compilable codes using GoLang development to reach your desired outputs. Our Golang development company provides services to make the whole process transparent to keep you abreast with the progress of the application. To experience the true flavor of website functionality with GoLang programming, get in touch with us today!

Frequently Asked Questions
1What makes GoLang the ideal choice for high-performance web applications?

GoLang’s simplicity, concurrency support with goroutines, and performance optimization make it an excellent choice for building scalable and efficient web applications.

2How does GoLang's concurrency model benefit large-scale applications?

GoLang’s concurrency model, using goroutines and channels, allows for highly efficient parallel execution of tasks, making it perfect for applications with heavy traffic and complex tasks.

3Why choose Pattem Digital for GoLang development?

Pattem Digital brings deep expertise in GoLang to deliver fast, scalable, and reliable web applications, ensuring your project runs smoothly with transparent development processes.

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